We’re glad you landed here
If you're in the area for a visit, or new in town, we'd love to meet you face to face. Join us for worship on a Sunday morning. We'd love for you to be part of our community. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. EMAIL USWORSHIP TIMES
Sunday, 10:30 am
Worship notes
Our nursery is open during worship hours for those that wish to use it
Dress code is what works best for you and your family
Our service has a traditional style, piano and organ-led music, and welcoming atmosphere
All are welcome here. We strive to live out our name in a variety of ways, all designed to help us grow in faith, hope, and love together. Learn more about who we are, what we believe, and our leaders
We’d love for you to become part of our community, but we're not pushy. We’re simply glad you landed here.If you are looking for a church community, we’d love to have you here and help you discover a place of friendship and personal growth. Let us know how we can help.
Periodically, we hold an informal
Membership is simply you saying, “this is the place where I/we want to
A faith community of the North American Lutheran Church.
302 N Goliad Street
Rockwall, TX 75087
We’re one block north of old downtown Rockwall. You can park across the street at the corner of Interurban and Goliad. Handicapped parking is available on both sides of the building. Enter Joy at the South or North entrances.